Anne calhoun
Board Chair
Hello friends! My name is Anne Calhoun and I am a librarian/teacher in the Anaconda School District. My husband Bob and I live in Anaconda with our daughter Ada, our great dane, two cats, and our exchange students.
I have been involved with ACI as a worker bee, a coalition member, and a board member. I love the programming that ACI provides, whether it is bringing in speakers to motivate students and educate parents, all the way to NERF Wars–all programs that help provide our community with education and options for making healthy choices. If I had to pick my favorite part of ACI it would be a tie between the skills students learn, the amazing people I have met and get to work with, and the fun we are constantly having! Please join us in activities, as a coalition member, or just for a meeting to see what we are about!

lacey knadler
Vice Chair

rich rivers

ben krakowka
board member
I have been with ACI for 9 years. I joined because I saw a place I could help encourage positive activity and action in the youth of the community.

emily rice
board member
Emily Rice is a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) at the Community Health Center and in a private clinical practice ( Emily Rice, LCSW, PLLC).
Emily has been in Anaconda for 7 years and loves being involved with youth, teens, and families.
Emily first got involved with ACI while working at WMMHC with Michelle and Matt and continues to enjoy watching young people learn new skills and become inspiring leaders.

maggie swanson
board member

michelle harrington
program director